Week #5: GDSO - Technical Challenge

Week #5: GDSO - Technical Challenge

Fonts: Bebas Neue Book (all caps), Ocean Sunshine, and Orange Typewriter

Monthly prompts read:
January brings the snow, makes our toes and fingers tingle from the cold. In February the rain thaws out the frozen ponds and lakes. Camping trips to south! March: Time to clean out the garden and prepare the garden beds. Alexander was born. A trip to Indiana was a must! April: April brings the showers for the flowers in May. May brings visits to the parks, zoos, and outside games. June brings out the bees who are after the natural aroma from the tulips, lilies, and roses. July brings the heat, bugs, picnics, and fireworks. August brings cloudless skies, sailing on a quiet lake, and lazy summer afternoons. September brings new friendships as another year of school begins. In October, there are several things going on this month! WK second birthday; a family reunion; and my anniversary. Also, October bring hayrides and pumpkins from the field. November brings the feast and the family members together. December brings logs in the fireplace, hot cocoa, snowmen, treats, and lights everywhere.
Credit Links
Among the Flowers by CarolW Designs
WOW Karen what a wonderful way of setting out your page. I LOVE it and reading your journaling for each month. March must have been an extra special month as Alexander was born. October and November sound like lovely family time and the making of wonderful memories.
Your gardening journaling reminds me so much of my BF who is a wonderful gardener and get so much joy from it. You too are a nature and garden lover and have expressed this so beautifully. I really like your two floral clusters - so pretty. I loved reading your monthly journals. Thank you so much for participiting in the challenge
Wow, this is fantastic/..great job on the challenge!
Karen, this is perfect! The journaling is the star of the show, supported by the beautiful cast!
WOW Karen what a wonderful way of setting out your page. I LOVE it and reading your journaling for each month. March must have been an extra special month as Alexander was born. October and November sound like lovely family time and the making of wonderful memories.
Your gardening journaling reminds me so much of my BF who is a wonderful gardener and get so much joy from it. You too are a nature and garden lover and have expressed this so beautifully. I really like your two floral clusters - so pretty. I loved reading your monthly journals. Thank you so much for participating in the challenge

Thank you, ladies!!

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