week 5 no picture

week 5 no picture

My "no picture" page
OH! I love your background paper and the paints - bright, shiny, contemporary and colorful. This is a wonderful photo-free LO!
Oh I hope your visit to the cardiologist went well. The rest of the month brought joy. Easter with children and grandchildren is always a wonderful time - I too love the sound of little feet running through my home...yes we are truly blessed! How lucky you are to have a best friend who takes the time to treat you - a trip down the Ohio River - I imagine it will a wonderful adventure and very relaxing too. Water always has a soothing effect and gentles the soul.
Love the circle journaling spots, delightful clusters and your shadow work is very nice. Thank you so much for participating in the challenge and I am so sorry you initially had trouble uploading your lovely page.

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The Great Digi Scrap Off
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week 5 no picture.jpg
File size
6.5 MB
Date taken
Tue, 29 March 2022 10:02 AM
2550px x 3300px

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