

Show Stopper Challenge – Week Two – Thank you Jenni for the challenge, this one was a little difficult for me, as I don’t know really anything about the family tree I never knew either set of grandparents – they died long before I was born, and virtually no photos, so I took a slightly different approach and listed what I do know up to at least when my brother and I had grown up, and not so old photos. Mum’s mother died when she was only young, but her Mum had 5 sisters and one brother that played a big part in our lives growing up. Dad was a one and only but did have an adopted brother and sister, but he never really spoke much about his side hence now I have not got a clue. Everything is a mixture between Moments in Time – Time Capsule – both HSA – text dividers – my stash - Photos – mine – Fonts – Ageless Heritage – Mosiac
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Gorgeous clustering on each side. I love the background and the way you did your journaling. Pretty page!
What a wonderful page. Your journaling is captivating and I love how you took the theme and made it your own with the limited knowledge of your ancestors. You have added a lot of information to your page and I really like the way you have set it up. The papers you have used, the font and your delightful clusters make for a lovely creative page. The photos in their small round frames look fantastic. Thank you for participating in the challenge.

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The Great Digi Scrap Off
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