Westfield Grotto

Westfield Grotto

Credits: Layered template (P365 February Freebie Template) by Heather Nay (Haynay Designs) and Winter Sparkles and Winter Sparkles Mini both by Jen C Designs. B&W Splendour Photo Action by Coffeeshop Photography. Font is The Architect by Heather Hess.
Journalling reads: For Logans first Christmas, we took a trip to London. We were determined to visit as many of the Christmas grottos as we could while we were there. After sitting down and working out the most effective way to visit them all and working out our tube and bus routes, we started with the Westfield Shopping Centre. Sadly when we arrived, there were no available spaces to see Santa, but the 3D experience and grotto looked interesting enough to warrant a return trip later in the day, so we booked the latest time slot they had and set off for the next one on our list. It seemed like a lot of hassle, but it ended up being our favourite one of the day. Lukas loved the 3D Experience and his snowman toy from Santa.19th December 2009.
Winter Sparkles Collection by Jen C Designs
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