Why I love my hobby scrapbook

Why I love my hobby scrapbook

kit: Feeling Like a Fruit Loop Collection by Jen Yurko [ the kit: https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Feeling-Like-a-Fruit-Loop-Kit.html solid papers: https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Feeling-Like-a-Fruit-Loop-Solids.html words: https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Feeling-Like-a-Fruit-Loop-Words.html]

font: Lobster Blush Slant Brush Regular

Journaling: Why I love my hobby scrapbook? Who? What? When? Where?

Today I scrapbook this day so keep calm and don't loose your marbles.
I love the way I am able to take all the good and the not so good and capture for the future generations to see what we did now. But more importantly is when we have the really good jaw dropping luaghing moents we are able to share. We can have them documented and turn the page and be like oh yeah I remember this and start rolling on hte floor laughing. It is funny because as we age me older and the kids growing some time we loose our marbles and don’t remember but a glimpse at the photo or the journaling and it all comes back to us. I love going back in time and capturing the moments of their birth and first words. I love they are able to read about our family because I scan pictures and have to ask my mom who is this and where was this and as she grows her mind phases, and I am referred to ask her younger siblings to fill in the blank. My hope is to get them al scanned in and documented during my generation and my kids having their moments captured and my kids will want to share the hobby with their youngsters when the time comes so we can always see how life has changed over the years. Oh, how much I love the old classic Bel Air cars pictures at the car shows. The air shows and picking out my plane with my dad. How my kids think a phone book and filing cabinet did not exist or the corded phones with busy tones. But I can pull out the printed pictures and show them. Then go make a layout and make it so they can show their generation look what they had in the 1980s. Then we get to take a layout of our vacations because those layouts are always perfect harmony taking a picture (got to love Photography) the best words taken in silence, and the place you are away from fun and then the perfect subjects my heart and love my family. My kiddos are amazing because they welcomely take pictures. Even if it is a lot of selfies at least I have the memories. And so do they and our family to come.

The Good (I found my marbles) The Not So Good (missing my marbles) Me: Sometimes I talk to myself Also Me: Same! The Bad (the kids stole my marbles) The Tea
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