Will Not Fail

Will Not Fail

Fear.  It’s a very real, very powerful force, and I know that throughout your life, you’ll face it over and over again.  Fear is something that I’m quite familiar with, but over the years I  have come to learn to appreciate it, to embrace it, to even enjoy it just a little bit.  You see, as the song goes, “fear is a friend who’s misunderstood” – fear is something that keeps us safe, that keeps our minds tuned to danger, or to situations that might not be good for us…but fear can also serve to remind us that we’re doing something new, something exciting, something wonderfully different that is helping us grow, helping us unfold, helping us become who we are.  It can be scary to try new things and to face new circumstances; as you grow, fear will be there in new schools, new people, a yellow bus, bigger scooters, taller slides, harder tests, bigger challenges, even bigger jungle gyms! You will find yourself far from home, falling off your bike, falling behind, falling in love. ..these things will bring great fear.   I’ve learned to walk alongside my fear, to listen to it whisper but not let it get so loud that I become too afraid to try new things, to experience my life in a new way, to be brave. Fear always has something to say;  I hope that you’ll listen carefully to yours, and that when the time is right, you’ll ride the roller-coaster, you’ll climb the mountain, you’ll take the leap.  I hope that you’ll find it within yourself to risk the fall so that you can know how it feels to fly. Never give up hope.. be determined… you will not fail! Credits:Amanda Yi:This Month: MayTwo Tiny Turtles:The Wonderful Moments Templates (edited to my liking)Heather Joyce:The Little LeaguerDotcomkari:pop It Vintage Edits

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