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My daughter Abbi with the memory quilt we made. She did nearly all the sewing!

Tracy Ann's
Posies paper,
Tada Templates 1,
Home Sweet Home,
Paper Alphabet,
Button Bits,
fonts are The King and Queen, and noisebaby for journaling.

Abbi, you had sewing lessons several years later than your older sisters did. Part of that is probably my over-
protectiveness, for a lot of your care is taken up in the day-to-day. Schooling and daily care is what is most important,
but I knew that at 15, it was time you learned to sew. It builds character, I explained to your puzzled countenance, and was part of your home-
schooling credits you needed to have in order to graduate. I purchased a kit online that intrigued me,as the finished product was a wall-hanging
made with pieces of baby clothes. I had saved a few of yours and your sister's baby clothes--either the ones that were too cute to part with,
or too stained to ever give to anyone else. I set up the sewing machine in the dining room, and put the foot pedal on the table, pinned the pieces
together, and read aloud from the instruction book on how to sew a seam. Although I have sewed for decades,, it has only been from necessity,
and I don't fully understand the concept of sewing for pleasure. But I concede that it exists, and I felt a little bit of it while watching and helping
you create the wall-hanging. You sew much straighter seams than I ever did, and you do it with a natural ease that belied any supposed dis-
ability that having no arms meant. I'm proud of you for all that you do, and all that you are. And all that you will be.

----it took place during the afternoon, on an overcast Saturday, towards the end of March, 2008

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