14 days of challenges

  1. Dreaming


    Credits: Lara's Digi World - Sunny Dream Page Kit Lara's Digi World - Metal Bits: Charm Keys ViVa Artistry - Frame Renderings: Tucked Frames Photo: Rodolfo Sanches (Usplash) Scraplifted from the Deb n Paula by AZK for the PBP's 14th Birthday challenge.
  2. Cherish This Moment

    Cherish This Moment

    Credits: Tiramisu design & Natali Designs - Softly Summer Collab Kit Antebellum Press - Cherish Elements (beads)
  3. GHappy Birthday 2 Me.jpg

    GHappy Birthday 2 Me.jpg

    Photo: mine, 7-17-20 PSCS6, Ravie font
  4. 08_07 Scraplift smaller.jpg

    08_07 Scraplift smaller.jpg

    8/7/2020 Scraplift Challenge for PBP 14th Birthday, 14 days of blog challenges Scraplifted from https://pickleberrypop.com/forum/index.php?media/quarantine-craziness-or-everyday-craziness.212494/ Created using Jumpstart's Quarantine Craziness collection Font is Arial
  5. Summertime


    Photo: mine, 11-22-94 Kit: Summertime mini - Palvinka Designs https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Summertime.html PSCS3, Times New Roman