
  1. Sweet Garden - Mystery Box

    Sweet Garden - Mystery Box

    My little boy in 2008--our dog had lymphoma, and he was getting treated at the vet school. Good thing there was a huge park there for a bored and anxious little boy! Everything with PickleBerryPop Designers' goods, for Julie's Mystery Box challenge.
  2. Good memories

    Good memories

    Nostalgia Collection by PrelestnayaP Design:
  3. Possibilities


    Created with Possibilities by Chunlin designs TFL Chantal
  4. Sea Voyage

    Sea Voyage

    This is for the mojo challenge this weekend.. Feb 5, Featured Designer PrelestnayaP Photos taken in San Fran last summer. Credits: Creative Blending Template 15: Sea Voyage Bundle...
  5. Tell Your Story

    Tell Your Story

    I used Kawouette's kit Tell Your Story for this layout.
  6. Superhero in disguise...

    Superhero in disguise...

    I used a combination of AnnaBV's kit, the majority of the pieces came from Boy's Time. I really liked the deep color of the background paper with the photo.
  7. Free to Be Me

    Free to Be Me

    I provide instructions on how to create a blended layout like this in the March issue of The Artisan Notebook in the Portraits Plus article. I used four papers and one photo and blended them to get this result. Credits: Papers by Lily Designs, Vinnie Pearce and Dee Bee Designs. Fonts...
  8. Magical


    My DD1 (13) singin her solo - The Rose - at my sister's wedding last w/e. For a child who prefers to stay behind the scenes, this really was a magical moment! Not a dry eye in the Church!! TFL! Bernie x Credits: WordArt - Irene Alexeeva at Scrap Orchard; Parrot flower mask - Lynette's...
  9. Gruffalo Hunting

    Gruffalo Hunting

    Love this photo, so am glad to have scrapped it! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Pretty in Pink kit by Kat's Creations available at Scrap It Ssassy
  10. Love the Falling Snow

    Love the Falling Snow

    Zig Zag Scrap Janauary collab, Winter Woodland, available HERE. Font is georgia
  11. A Mom's Plea

    A Mom's Plea

    All by Vinnie Pearce @Pixel Canvas. TODAY MOMENTS OF SPECIAL NATURALS YOUR HEART I LIVE FOR DISTRESSED PHOTO MASK SET 1 Fonts are Lainie Day, Mistral, and Small Fonts