
  1. Special moments

    Special moments

    I Capture - Page Kit by Dutch Dream Designs
  2. Capture


    I Capture - Page Kit by Dutch Dream Designs
  3. Capture the Moment

    Capture the Moment

    Created with Sand and Sea Bundle by Tiramisu design
  4. Main Street USA

    Main Street USA

    LouCee Creations & Nibbles Scribbles - Capture the Moment Template by Brenian Designs
  5. Artist at Work

    Artist at Work

    April Template Challenge Template by Keep In Touch Photos of my great-granddaughters water coloring Kit: Capture the Moment by Keep In Touch Designs
  6. Capitol Rotunda

    Capitol Rotunda

    For this LO, I used the kit Capture the Moment from Designs by Laura Burger. You can find Capture the Moment at Gotta Pixel.
  7. Capitol Rotunda

    Capitol Rotunda

    For this LO, I used the kit Capture the Moment from Designs by Laura Burger. The template is by Mye DeLeon for the August 2011 cluster challenge at GP. You can find Capture the Moment at Gotta Pixel. The info comes from Wikipedia.
  8. Songs


    Credits: Capture the Feeling at Pickleberry Pop Morning Bocha alpha by Laura Burger Cluster Template by Mye De Leon Font: Century Gothic, Nyala, Gentium Song Lyrics: Rosemary's Daughter by Jessica Andrews Godspeed (Sweet Dreams) by the Dixie Chicks
  9. Smile


    Credits: by Laura Burger Capture the Feeling at Pickleberry Pop Sweet Couture Alpha Bud Stem from Celebration of Life Date Brush by CuppyCake Designs Font: Gentium
  10. Capture


    Kit : Snap! {by} Listgirl Font : FG Jayne