Drive Fast like a Girl but never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly.
Miss Fish Templates Spring Sings Templates
BoomersGirl Designs Drive Girl Edition Kit
Created in Affinity Photo on iPad
Credits: Template: I Heart You #10 Template Set , Heartstrings Scrap ArtKits: Lovely Lilac, Aimee Harrison Designs and Tree of Life, Aimee Harrison DesignsFont Used: Myriad Pro and MS Sans Serif
Available at: - Pickleberrypop - 
September Template challenge
Using PrelestnayaP Design - Sept Template
Photos of the great-granddaughters enjoying being in the car
Summer Stroll kit by Lara's Digi-World and ADB Designs
Master of Disaster by Designs by Laura Burger
Software: My Memories
my DD playing car in an indoor playground at Garden City
papers & elements from
Fun Ride Kit by LorieM Designs
DS *helping* DS to wash the car. He actually did a good job!
Give Me Simple Template Pack 1 and Engines Ready by Vinnie Pearce and available at Catscrap.
Fonts are Arial and Binner D