
  1. you...


    Eclectic Designs by Gabi @ ScrapArtist Paper Naturals Bohemian Art @ ScrapArtist Cluster Imagine Overlays Laurie Ann for HGD @ ScrapArtist Alphas Textbook Type and Boutique Storybook Amber Clegg @ ScrapArtist Alpha Stamped Canvas creashens @ Two Little Pixels and Catscrap...
  2. i heart you ...

    i heart you ...

    [ksharonkdesigns] @ pickleberrypop Paper Rebeccas Art Vol 2. Orange Circles, stitching Sugared Fruits Lisa Whitney @ ScrapArtist Large Heart Messy Doodle Clips Scarlet Heels Media @ and TDC Alphas Seeing Stars, Clear Dot, Fancy Bitz, Bitty Bloom Tara Dunstan...
  3. Baby Biker

    Baby Biker

    Lisa Whitney @ ScrapArtist Paper Peppermint Paper Pack Frame, Ivy Leaf Plum Yum Chipboard blank, Floss Stitches Little Dude Alpha (baby) Black Crinkly Doodle Amanda Rockwell @ ScrapArtist Overlay CU Overlays 13 Tape, Metal washer Psycho Amber Clegg @ ScrapArtist Heart...
  4. with this ring ...

    with this ring ...

    Creashens @ twolittlepixels Cardstock Pashmina Solids Frame Faded Summer Staples Natural Wonder Scarlet Heels Media @ and FPD Brush Elicit Exquisite Tara Dunstan Designs @ TaraDunstanDesigns and pickleberrypop Lace Little Miss Chris Ribbon Circle Ribbon Stuffs...
  5. who am I?

    who am I?

    An opening page for a slightly unique AAM book Creashens @ two little pixels Paper Pashmina solids Floral, Trim, Frame Faded Summer [ksharonkdesigns] @ twolittlepixels and pickleberrypop Purple tape Rebeccas Art 1 bonus Tara Dunstan Designs @ Tara Dunstan Designs and...
  6. me @ 41

    me @ 41

    (ksharonkdesigns) @ twolittlepixels and pickleberrypop Paper Paper Essentials Valentines Nancie Rowe Janitz @ ScrapArtist Floral overlay PDQ Vol 6 Floral Sanded overlay Sanding Tutorial freebie @ - Schmootzy 4 Stamped alpha T-Pin Fair Trade Lisa Whitney @ ScrapArtist Black...
  7. To Remember You

    To Remember You

    For this tribute to my Mother who is suffering from Altzheimer's Disease, A Scraplift of You by Natalie1 I used A Lil Dainty Papers and Elements by Amber Clegg with Pea Gretchie and PeaJamieB fonts; frame edgings by Simply Sarah
  8. {certified dork}

    {certified dork}

    me. circa 1995. 'nough said. digi dare #8. you kow you want to... Stitches and drop shadows by Traci Murphy. Animal print button by Anita Stergiou. Buttons by Cori Gammon. Glitter paint by Meredith Fenwick. Date stamp and file tab by Amber Clegg. "Certified" stamp by Deb F...