
  1. Week #1 Technique – Pie Chart Challenge

    Week #1 Technique – Pie Chart Challenge

    Created with Fayette Designs' Foundations: Pie Chart #1 (template #2) and her It's Raining Again collection Font is Cookie, photos are personal
  2. Spring Blooms

    Spring Blooms

    Moments of March by Dandelion Dust Designs https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Moments-Of-March-Kit.html
  3. Daffodils


    I'm making an album of my favorite flowers and garden do's and don'ts.  It will never be a best seller, but maybe if I have grandchildren they will get to know me better.  Daffodils are among my favorites.  They make me feel happy in the gray month of February and...
  4. So Sweet

    So Sweet

    DD2 a couple of years ago - she's so expressive, lol:D TFL! Bernie x Credits: 2B or not 2B by Trifaith available at Scrap It Sassy
  5. Fun in the Flowers!

    Fun in the Flowers!

    My 2DDs and my DN earlir this year! TFL! Bernie x Credits: 2B or not 2B by Trifaith available at Scrap It Sassy