
  1. Week 2 Signature-Template Challenge

    Week 2 Signature-Template Challenge

    Created with Blue Heart Scraps' template provided for this challenge and Carol W. Designs' Dance To Live collection Font is Cookie, photos are personal Journaling text: 3/7 Streetz Dance Competition Miss E performed her dance solo for the 1st time in competition. She did very well, getting...
  2. Week 4 Technique-Blended Bliss

    Week 4 Technique-Blended Bliss

    Created with Simplette's Summer Playlist collection, Indigo's Charm collection and Regina Falango's Floral 733 Variegated Roses CU. Photos are personal.
  3. Dance!


    created with the page kit DANCE by chunlin designs
  4. Showstopper - Extraction Challenge

    Showstopper - Extraction Challenge

    Created per instructions in this challenge: Week #5 - GDSO SHOWSTOPPER: Extraction Challenge with a Twist Extracted our granddaughter marching in the parade with her pom-pom. Used LorieM's Believe collection to create the layout Font is Cookie, Photos are personal
  5. Part-of-the-Dance.jpg


    I found this cool quotation and photo of a dancer and just had to scrap them. I used paper 1 for the background and papers 7-10 to fill the foliage from the template, elements 1-9, 11, and 12 for 11 elements. I also used the kit preview on the mask behind the dancer and word art #8
  6. Tiny Dancers

    Tiny Dancers

    I used IndigoD's Shabby Rose, Today, Tomorrow and Forever by Indigo by Anna and Regina Falango's Wall Gardens to do this page...
  7. Live Life Happy

    Live Life Happy

    Live Life Happy Collection by Chunlin Designs
  8. Homecoming


    This is my granddaughter's god sister going to homecoming. She is friends with both, as the moms were good friends. I used Tiramisu's Just Smile and DitaB's Blue Dreams.
  9. Dancing is Life

    Dancing is Life

    Kit: I like to move it - Meagan's Creations Template: Lots & Lots 9 - Heartstrings Scrap Art Fonts: Parisi Condensed; Fadelyn; CircleD; Monica Elegant; Rockwell Extra Bold; Rosemary; Rock Out; Round Light
  10. Last Junior High Dance

    Last Junior High Dance

    kit - I Hope You Dance sampler mini kit by Jen Yurko provided for the Use It All Challenge font - always in my heart
  11. Use It All Challenge Sep 2018

    Use It All Challenge Sep 2018

    I Hope You Dance Sampler Mini by Jen Yurko for the Sep 2018 Use It All Challenge
  12. Dance


    I Hope You Dance by Jen Yurko
  13. Little Dancer

    Little Dancer

    This little one is so charming!  I wish I could have taken ballet as a child. Pictures:  Pixabay
  14. The Language of Dance

    The Language of Dance

    I love dance and love to attend more.  One of my husband's cousins was the inimitable Martha Graham, the Grand Dame of modern dance.  I've always loved dance in almost any form, but after researching Martha, I find myself enthralled!   Digital Scrapbook...
  15. Awesome


    Mummy's Sunshine { 6 Pack }  by lara's Digi World
  16. Just Dance

    Just Dance

    PBP Mojo May 3 - Tuesday Technique - Minimalist.Content Used: Just Dance Bundle by Fayette Designs..
  17. Dream


    Taste the Rainbow by Created by Jill
  18. Crazy Dance

    Crazy Dance

    Pandemonium by Created by Jill
  19. Wonders of My World

    Wonders of My World

    Just Be by Created by Jill
  20. Your a Dancer

    Your a Dancer

    Just Be Collection by Created by Jill