
  1. Encontrei no SCRAP...

    Encontrei no SCRAP...

    "Fallen" kit by Jessica Gorny Glittered border by Jessica Gorny (freebie) Frame: by me Fonts: Vrinda and BlackJack Journaling: "Encontrei, no SCRAP, a melhor forma de unir minhas paixes: fotografia e design grfico. Encontrei, no SCRAP, um prazer at ento desconhecido!"
  2. Still the One

    Still the One

    Through thick and thin these last 13 years...he's still the one:) Color Scheme - Victoria Feemster, OAKS Color Challenge, Week of 11/4/07 3 Pink/Wine backgrounds, Journal tag, ribbon, buttons, Letter "U", and staple - Jessica Gorny, Fallen available at OAKS Teal and green...