gdso week2

  1. JBS-3AMThoughts-week2-warped-sh-web.jpg


    JBS-3AMThoughts- JBS-3AMThoughts- JBS-3AMThoughts-pp2 JBS-3AMThoughts-confetti JBS-3AMThoughts-mk-wordbit3 paperflold-schadow JBS-3AMThoughts-jb10 JBS-3AMThoughts-jb20 Schatten 1 JBS-3AMThoughts-flower1 JBS-3AMThoughts-mk-pp3 AI generated JBS-3AMThoughts-frame JBS-3AMThoughts-string Schatten 1...
  2. Weeks 2 Artsy Layered Template Challenge,

    Weeks 2 Artsy Layered Template Challenge,

    I love Chantal's gorgeous template and collection! My niece's wedding.
  3. Peony


    Week #2 Showstopper Challenge - BOOK COVER 3: Using Text as a Frame Font - I used a font called Flower3 that I got a long time ago due to my fondness for flower gardening. The photo in the O is one of my peonies from 2020. Think Happy Be Happy by Fayette Designs CU: Flowers 4 (Peonies) by...
  4. Spinach pancakes

    Spinach pancakes

    Layout created using Gathering Together Mini by Dandelion Dust Designs. Font used Roboto Serif Own photos
  5. 2022-01-10_LearningToFly.jpg


    Layout for GDSO Week 2 Showstopper challenge I went with option 3 - using typesetting as a frame Fonts: Stencil, cinnamon cake, Courier New Kit: Jumpstart Your Layout SERIES ~ January 2022 {Bundle}
  6. Beach Babe

    Beach Babe

    GDSO Week 2 Technical Challenge - Extraction I used Ocean Whisper Word Art by Heartstrings Scrap Art Ocean Whisper Edges by Heartstrings Scrap Art Saltwater Summer Scenic Papers by Jumpstart Designs Saltwater Summer Page Kit by Jumpstart Designs
  7. 2021-12-25_special.jpg


    Layout for GDSO week 2 Technical challenge - extraction. Template: Soco_SimplyCleanNo12_02 Kits: Captivated by Spring collab by Dandelion Dust Designs, Blue Heart Scraps and Miss Fish plus Hugs and Kisses by Dandelion Dust Designs Title font: margherita
  8. Awesome


    w2-GDSO - Chunlin March template challenge Heartstrings ScrapArt - Tapestry of Life Bundle Photos Pexels
  9. BookCover Flowers

    BookCover Flowers

    W2-GDSO- BookCover Challenge Carol W Designs – Fresh as Spring Time bundle Fonts - Juice ITC - Sofia and ever-after
  10. 2019-05-07_Masterpiece.jpg


    Layout for GDSO Week 2 Signature challenge - template Used template provided Kit: Dandelion Dust Designs Creative Agenda
  11. W2Technical-Challenge_ollitko.jpg


    Layout for GDSO Week 2 Technical Challenge - EXTRACTION CHALLENGE Created with Grandkids {Full Kit} by MDD Designs
  12. B57_NoMatterWhatByLdw600.jpg


    Week #2: GDSO - Showstopper Challenge - BOOK COVER CHALLENGE by HeatherT (Typography) "No Matter What Mini Kit" by Lara's Digi World fonts "Greek Diner Inline" by (c)Exclamat!ons. "Hobo Std" by (c)Adobe Systems Incorporated, "Tipper" by (c)Mark Nannen "Cornish" by...
  13. Moment in Time

    Moment in Time

    W2- GDSO - Technical Challenge - EXTRACTION CHALLENGE Heart Strings scrapart – Daydreamer Collection Heart Strings scrapart – Sweet Memories templates Photos Pexels
  14. Magical Walk in the Woods

    Magical Walk in the Woods

    Credits Kit: Under the Canopy, Heartstrings Scrap Art Font: Jayne Print YOFF Challenge Here: Week #2: GDSO - Technical Challenge - EXTRACTION CHALLENGE | PiCKLEBERRYPOP FORUMS
  15. The jigsaw man 3.jpg

    The jigsaw man 3.jpg

    Version 2 - Made for the GDSO Week 2 Book Cover Tiramisu Designs - September Winds Fonts - Baskerville Old Face and Jigsaw Old PS action - PFx Puzzle
  16. B57_BreezeFromTheSeaByDitabMarchTpl1ByChunlin600.jpg


    Week #2: GDSO - Signature Challenge - ARTSY LAYERED TEMPLATE by Chunlin Designs Breeze from the sea - collection & FWP chunlin_March_template Fonts "Coalhand Luke TRIAL" by (c)JJW van der Ham / JOEBOB graphics & "John Mayer" by (c)Sensatype Studio Photos perso translated text: During the...
  17. Week 2 | GDSO | Technical Challenge

    Week 2 | GDSO | Technical Challenge

    Created for week#2 - GDSO - Technical challenge Back to the 80's - by Palvinka Designs Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels
  18. B57_BloomingMeadowByDitaB600.jpg


    Week #2: GDSO - Technical Challenge - EXTRACTION CHALLENGE "blooming Meadow" by DitaB Designs Photo perso
  19. Brady.jpg


    Made for Week 2 GDSO - Technical Challenge Simplette - Sensation Font - Leaflets
  20. Week 2 | GDSO | Signature Challenge

    Week 2 | GDSO | Signature Challenge

    Created for week#2 - GDSO - Signature challenge March2022 Challenge Template by Chunlin Designs Do you know - Collection by Jasmin-Olya Designs