Just a layout to fit the style that i dreamt up in my head. lol
Credits: Quirky and Defiant by Kakleidesigns
For the Pickle Barrel another beautiful bundle Follow Your Imagination from Designs by Laura Burger. https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/product.php?productid=66900&cat=0&featured=Y
For the Pickle Barrel another beautiful bundle Follow Your Imagination from Designs by Laura Burger. https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/product.php?productid=66900&cat=0&featured=Y
PBP - Nov Template Challenge by Eudora Designs. Get this great template and Alanna's challenge here and show us your take on this. https://pickleberrypop.com/forum/forum/monthly-mojo/monthly-mojo-november-2017/244017-november-2017-template-challenge
I used Wonderful Imagination by Eudora...
Wonderful Imagination 6pack + FWP by Eudora Designs
Photo Courtesy of Marta Everest Photography
This is for the April Template Challenge, Thank you for the wonderful template.
Beautiful Imagination, Designs by Laura Burger: