
  1. Look and Listen Test to Merge Users

    Look and Listen Test to Merge Users

    Created with Look & Listen Collection by Fayette Designs
  2. Sound of Your Voice

    Sound of Your Voice

    June Mojo Border Challenge Look & Listen collection by Fayette Designs https://tinyurl.com/fayette-look-listen Photo of hubby and me
  3. Look and Listen

    Look and Listen

    Look & Listen collection by Fayette Designs https://tinyurl.com/fayette-look-listen Photo from Pixabay
  4. Look out of the window

    Look out of the window

    *Look out of the window* by DitaB Designs https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/product.php?productid=61566&page=1
  5. If You Love Nature

    If You Love Nature

    Kit Look Out Of The Window by DitaB Designs. Template Highlands by Heartstrings Scrap Art. Photo from Desktop Nexus. https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/product.php?productid=61566&page=1
  6. Look Mummy - July Mystery Box Challenge

    Look Mummy - July Mystery Box Challenge

    Kit Used: Mystery Box by Jumpstart Designs http://www.pickleberrypop.com/shop/product.php?productid=51553 Font Used: Island of Mismatched Toys
  7. Graduate


    I created this layout using JumpStart Designs kit, Don't Look Now
  8. They look for us by Albina design

    They look for us by Albina design

  9. My Friends From Space

    My Friends From Space

    Photo: My son Alex Credits: They Look For Us by Albina Design
  10. Look Closely

    Look Closely

    Flower was found at Charles Darwin's garden, Down House. TFL! Bernie x Angel Brush - Obsidian Dawn
  11. Look happy!

    Look happy!

    My sister and her fiancee and her DD on holiday in Cornwall..they had rather a lot fo rain! Trying to make the best of it she took a pic and told them to look happy - this is the result!!! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Autumn Goodness kit by girlboheme available at Divine Digitals
  12. The Look

    The Look

    DD1 taken a couple of years ago for a OU Photography Course! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Summer Bride kit by Bits N Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps
  13. Just Look

    Just Look

    Another LO re flowers at Walmer Castle! TFL! Bernie x Credits: California broken kit by SAHM of Drama Queens from Scrap It Sassy
  14. Innocence the look of

    Innocence the look of

    Beautiful kit Bygone Innocence by Creative Victorian Designs at Creativevictorian.com/boutique
  15. She's Got The Look

    She's Got The Look

    This is my little niece that just loves posing for the camera with one of her many hats that she has in her collection Fishinmom Designs (DSO)Winterberries Kit; Journal Paper by Petit Moineaux; Andrea Gold Template #11 Side B (altered by me)