
  1. Autumn Leaves

    Autumn Leaves

    Monthly Mojo - Song Lyrics - October. Content Used: Sweater Weather - Tami Miller Designs.Fonts: Always and Forever and Microsoft Sans Serif.
  2. Life is just...

    Life is just...

    Mr Alex McLean during his solo show in Hamburg, Germany. June 1, 2008. Credits: Template: Jumpstart Your Layout - Set 4 template C by Jumpstart Designs Available at PickleBerryPop: Kit: Shabby...
  3. Come Sail Away

    Come Sail Away

    Took this photo today - - - we FINALLY have sunshine here. I love the instrumentation and dynamics of this song - the words, eh, not so much. But I used them because they fit with the theme I wanted to create. Credits: Blog freebie quick page by Irene Alexeeva Fonts: Bell, CK Maternal and...
  4. The Apple Tree

    The Apple Tree

    I used a picture of my brother with poem, Jesus Christ the Apple Tree, which is a poem written by an unknown New Englander. It has been set to music by a number of composers, and the piece is performed by choirs around the world, especially during the Christmas season. Fonts: Niagra Engraved...