Credits: Cool of the Day kit by Mitsybelle. Layout done for the Musical Challenge at SAS. Fonts used are Bodini Classic Deco and Times New Roman. Text reads: Silver wings shinning in the sunlight, roaring engines headed somewhere in flight. Written and Sung by Merle Haggard. Photo was taken...
Credits: Cool of the Day kit by Mitsybelle. Layout done for the Heritage Challenge at SAS. Font used is Bodini Classic Deco. Text reads: My Son, Myself, My Grand Daughter and My Mom. Photo was taken in November 2006 as we celebrated my Moms 80th Birthday. Kit can be found here...
I have traveled to many places, but the beauty of my mom's house and yard combined with the love and spirit in her home has no rivals as my favorite place.
Kit is Lily Pond with contributions by Mitsybelle, Piggy Scraps, and Laitha.
Fonts are Blossom and Journal.
Credits: Is it Love by Mitsybelle. Kit can be found here:
And here:
Credits: Is it Love by Mitsybelle. Kit can be found here:
And here:
Credits: Cottage Dreams by Mitsybelle. Kit can be found here:
And here:
Credits: Cottage Dreams by Mitsybelle. Kit can be found here:
And here:
Credits: Sweet Mama by Mitsybelle. Layout done for the newsletter challenge at SAS. Kit can be found here:
Credits: Gypsy Gurl by Mitsybelle. Layout done for a challenge at SAS. Kit can be found here:
Credits: Gypsy Gurl by Mitsybelle. Layout done for a challenge at SAS. Kit can be found here:
Credits: Sweet Mama by Mitsybelle. Layout done for the element challenge at SAS. Kit can be found here:
Credits: Divine Decadence by Mitsybelle. Layout done for a template challenge at K-Joi Studios. Kit can be found here:
Credits: Divine Decadence by Mitsybelle. Layout done for a template challenge at Scrappity Do Dah. Kit can be found here:
Credits: Grandeur Kit by Mitsybelle. Template by Carena. Layout done for template challenge at Digi Design Resort. Kit can be found here:
Credits: Sweet Sunshine kit by Mitsybelle. Kit can be found here: