My dog Coco playing peek-a-boo with the sunflowers. We lost one of our two dogs last month and Coco misses her partner Boo for sure. Used Heartstrings Scrap Art's Aviary kit exclusively for this page. Font is Dancing Script.
You know there are a boatload of ideas on Pinterest, right? Then you also know how lost you can get on Pinterest. Created by Jill has solved some of that for you. I went looking for some inspiration the yesterday and I found some "Cool Photo Effects for Digital Scrappers". YES, just...
My DN - sh'es had some kids doing horrid stuff to her this week, and we're so proud of the way she's coped with it, and conducted herself.
Bernie x
Credits: Sunflower Patch by Bits n Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps/Scrapppingbits
My sister being mad - again!!
Created for a challenge at Hummie's World - inspired by Marzia.
Bernie x
Credits: Sunflower Patch by Bits n Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps/Scrapppingbits
Mask: Nini @ Suddenly Artistic
everything is from the fantastic kit "Easter day" by Sarah Designs available at Sunflower Scrap shop!
brushes from Deviantart - key (by Falln Stock), grass (by Midnight's touch), vectors (by Physical Magic)
WA - by Snoopy
photo - my DD Terezka
TFL! :-)
RAK for my webfriend Hawra
everything is from the fantastic kit "Easter day" by Sarah Designs available at Sunflower Scrap shop!
photo - Hawra's cute daughter Anetka
WA - by Snoopy
TFL! :-)
...maybe many of you know, how much I love Depeche Mode..I love them, I love Martin L. Gore and his lyrics and this is my one of the most favourite songs - HOME :-)
everything is from totally amazing kit "Melody of my heart" by Delmik Designs - kit is available at...
everything is from totally amazing kit "Melody of my heart" by Delmik designs - kit is available at Sunflower Scrap shop!
font - Dali
photo - my DD Terezka
TFL! :-)
everything is from the fantastic love-kit "Wonderful instants" by Juliya Designs available at Sunflower Scrap shop!
photo - me and my DD Terezka
TFL! :-)
everything is from the fantastic love-kit "Wonderful instants" by Juliya Designs available at Sunflower Scrap shop!
font - 1942 Report
alpha - "White Almond Kiss" by Amy Hutchinson
photo - my mummy in 1972 as a bride :-)
everything is from the fantastic girly kit "Cute baby girl" by Krakatuka Design available at Sunflower scrap shop!
font - 1942 Report
photo - me and my DD Terezka
TFL! :-)
everything is from the fantastic girly kit "Cute baby girl" by Krakatuka Design available at Sunflower scrap shop!
staple - "Family matters" by Carolyn Kite
font - Vladimir Script
photo - my DD Terezka
TFL! :-)
everything is from the new collaboration kit "Joyful Spring" by designers from
Krakatuka Design, MYBorkova Design, Sarah Design, JennyK Designs
photomask - freebie "Photomask 2" by Malina Design
paper overlay - "Worn photo overlays...
This is the third page of the album I am redoing with Kimberly's Sunshine On My Shoulders Bracket Album
Additional Credits:
Sunshine on My Shoulders combo by Kimberly Stewart from SBE; Elegant Overlays by Rina Kroes from SBE