
  1. Cuddling a Joey

    Cuddling a Joey

    PBP Challenge Tic Tac Toe - Using the centre vertical line - Ribbon, photo -and frame.Content Used: My Memories July and All Mixed Up - Designs by Laura Burger.Fonts: That's Font Folks, An Unfortunate Event and A Year Without Rain.
  2. Sisters are Forever

    Sisters are Forever

    Created with Walk With Me - Fusion Kit + FWP & Sisters Are Forever - 4x4's & Quotes Font Used: Crackerjack
  3. T-T-T Eat Glitter . . .

    T-T-T Eat Glitter . . .

    Tic Tac Toe - Top horizon: 2+ papers - Lace - Mask: CBJ A Force To Be Reckoned With - Layered mask CBJ Walk With Me Blended paper - solid paper...