Bright Eyes


PS Elements 19 does not have the ability to have shadows on a separate layer. I was able to make shadows of the words Dream and Weaver by duplicating the word and moving it below the word, change the color to a soft gray, flip it upside down then use the Transform - Perspective and adjust the opacity to 50%. . I duplicated the large sunflower tag, simplified it and changed the color to a soft gray. set the opacity to 50%, made it a bit larger than the tag and set it at a slight angle under the sunflower tag with a bit of shadow showing at upper left corner and more showing at the lower right corner.
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Gorgeous page, Kay - I love the background and the chosen elements as well as the colors - your warped shadow on the title is so beautifully done - thank you for sharing your way to get a separate layer for the shadow.
Thank you so much for taking part in the challenge.

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CarolW Designs, The Great Digi Scrap Off,

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