Redo of challenge
Layout for GDSO2.0 Week2 Showstopper challenge
Used various Bellisae kits: Enjoy The Moment, Soul Sisters, ExtraOrdinary, Keep On Smiling and Sieze The Day
3d Elements: tag, ticket, thread, frame, wordstrip, staple, beads
Layout for GDSO2.0 Week2 Showstopper challenge
Used various Bellisae kits: Enjoy The Moment, Soul Sisters, ExtraOrdinary, Keep On Smiling and Sieze The Day
3d Elements: tag, ticket, thread, frame, wordstrip, staple, beads
Created for GDSO 2.0 Week 2 Showstopper Challenge: Clean and Dirty using Bellisae Winds of Change Collection
Photo mask and frame by TiraMisu Designs
We generally have a flock of cardinals that live in the trees in our backyard. The older ones raise their young here every year. Of course, we have plenty of wild birdseed to keep them all fed!
Découvrez la nouvelle collection de Bellisae Designs Easy Breezy
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