DD2. She has such a determined look on her face, yet she is so gentle natured...it makes me wonder what lies ahead for her!
Bernie x
Credits: Let's Party! Minikit by BeDeSign available at Scrap It Sassy
Snow as it accumulated on the greenery in our back garden Thursday!
Bernie x
Credits: brights packs by Simply Stated Desigsn available at Scrap It Sassy
The huge snowman DH and the gals made while the snow was falling Thursday!
Bernie x
Credits: brights packs by Simply Stated Desigsn available at Scrap It Sassy
DD1 on the day of her Mass of Enrolment for Confirmation.
Bernie x
Credits: Blue Rhapsody kit by Girlboheme Studios/Aimee Harrison available at Divine Digital
Dd2 (7) just before she made her First Confession at the end of January.
Bernie x
Credits: Blue Rhapsody kit by Girlboheme Studios/Aimee Harrison available at Divine Digital
As the journalling says, on the face of it not an inspiring photo, but it shows a new technique I learned about how to make lights in a photo sparkle - use a sieve!!!
Bernie x
Credits: L'Amour by Bits n Bobs available at Scrappingbits/Exquisite Scraps
A photo of me that my 7 yr old took yesterday - I was so pleased with it that I had to use it on a page for her, despite hatng my own photo!!!!
Bernie x
Celebration Collab mini kit by April the Scrapaholic available at Scrap It Sassy
DD2 and her Christmas letter from her adopted donkey, Dennis!
Bernie x
Credits: Thanksgiving Feastivities by Nik's Scripts and Scraps available at Scrap It Sassy