
  1. Concentration


    DD2 trying to teach herself the guitar - on her dad's full size one!! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Be An Arteest by TMA Designs available at Faith Sisters
  2. What's In Store?

    What's In Store?

    DD2. She has such a determined look on her face, yet she is so gentle makes me wonder what lies ahead for her! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Let's Party! Minikit by BeDeSign available at Scrap It Sassy
  3. Curly Top!

    Curly Top!

    DD2 with curls in her dead-straight hair! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Broken by Michelles Angels available at Scrap It Sassy
  4. Borrowing Freedom

    Borrowing Freedom

    DD1 on Dressage Day...I loved that quote! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Broken by Michelles Angels available at Scrap It Sassy
  5. Snowy Days and Sunshine

    Snowy Days and Sunshine

    We had snow - again!!! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Blue Rhapsody by Girlboheme Studios/Aimee Harrison available at Divine Digital
  6. Annie


    Dd1 TFL! Bernie x Credits: Baby Girl kit by OpanaskoArt Designs available at Scrapbird
  7. This Is You

    This Is You

    DD2 with another of her famous 'looks' LOL TFL! Bernie x Credits: Baby Girl kit by OpanaskoArt Designs available at Scrapbird
  8. Snowed In

    Snowed In

    Snow as it accumulated on the greenery in our back garden Thursday! TFL! Bernie x Credits: brights packs by Simply Stated Desigsn available at Scrap It Sassy
  9. Fred


    The huge snowman DH and the gals made while the snow was falling Thursday! TFL! Bernie x Credits: brights packs by Simply Stated Desigsn available at Scrap It Sassy
  10. It's Official!

    It's Official!

    DD1 on the day of her Mass of Enrolment for Confirmation. TFL! Bernie x Credits: Blue Rhapsody kit by Girlboheme Studios/Aimee Harrison available at Divine Digital
  11. Sacrament of Reconciliation

    Sacrament of Reconciliation

    Dd2 (7) just before she made her First Confession at the end of January. TFL! Bernie x Credits: Blue Rhapsody kit by Girlboheme Studios/Aimee Harrison available at Divine Digital
  12. True Love

    True Love

    Elderly friends of ours! TFL! Bernie x Credits: L'Amour by Bits n Bobs available at Scrappingbits/Exquisite Scraps
  13. All Mine

    All Mine

    My DH! TFL! Bernie x Credits: L'Amour by Bits n Bobs available at Scrappingbits/Exquisite Scraps
  14. Sparkle


    As the journalling says, on the face of it not an inspiring photo, but it shows a new technique I learned about how to make lights in a photo sparkle - use a sieve!!! TFL! Bernie x Credits: L'Amour by Bits n Bobs available at Scrappingbits/Exquisite Scraps
  15. Just Me

    Just Me

    A photo of me that my 7 yr old took yesterday - I was so pleased with it that I had to use it on a page for her, despite hatng my own photo!!!! TFL! Bernie x Celebration Collab mini kit by April the Scrapaholic available at Scrap It Sassy
  16. Meg


    My DN, Megan-Elise. TFL! Bernie x Credits: Thanksgiving Feastivities by Nik's Scripts and Scraps available at Scrap It Sassy
  17. Letter From Dennis

    Letter From Dennis

    DD2 and her Christmas letter from her adopted donkey, Dennis! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Thanksgiving Feastivities by Nik's Scripts and Scraps available at Scrap It Sassy
  18. So Much Love

    So Much Love

    DD1, 13, love that gal!TFL! Bernie x Credits: Love kit by Rainbow available at Scrap It Sassy
  19. Just Fun!

    Just Fun!

    DD1, 13, and her wonderful sense of fun! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Love kit by Rainbow available at Scrap It Sassy
  20. Our Smiler

    Our Smiler

    DN at Christmas! Always smiling! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Viridity by Katzscrapz available at Scrap It Sassy