
  1. My Sister

    My Sister

    My sister being mad - again!! Created for a challenge at Hummie's World - inspired by Marzia. TFL! Bernie x Credits: Sunflower Patch by Bits n Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps/Scrapppingbits Mask: Nini @ Suddenly Artistic
  2. Little Actress!

    Little Actress!

    My DD2 loves to dance and sing! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Sunflower Patch by Bits n Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps/Scrapppingbits
  3. My Beauty

    My Beauty

    my youngest TFL! Bernie x Credits: Opposites Attract kit by Bits N Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps
  4. Easter Fun!

    Easter Fun!

    my parents and my DDs on Easter Sunday! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Opposites Attract kit by Bits N Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps
  5. Daughter


    my eldest! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Opposites Attract kit by Bits N Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps
  6. Your beautiful Gift

    Your beautiful Gift

    DD2 in her Dalmation outfit as she calls it! TFL! Bernie x Credits: For the Love of Goth kit by Bits n Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps
  7. Humour Me!

    Humour Me!

    Dd1 - journalling says it all, LOL:D TFL! Bernie x Credits: For the Love of Goth kit by Bits n Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps
  8. Jump!


    My DDs having fun in the snow a couple of weeks ago! TFL! Bernie x Credits: For the Love of Goth kit by Bits n Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps
  9. True Love

    True Love

    Elderly friends of ours! TFL! Bernie x Credits: L'Amour by Bits n Bobs available at Scrappingbits/Exquisite Scraps
  10. All Mine

    All Mine

    My DH! TFL! Bernie x Credits: L'Amour by Bits n Bobs available at Scrappingbits/Exquisite Scraps
  11. Sparkle


    As the journalling says, on the face of it not an inspiring photo, but it shows a new technique I learned about how to make lights in a photo sparkle - use a sieve!!! TFL! Bernie x Credits: L'Amour by Bits n Bobs available at Scrappingbits/Exquisite Scraps
  12. The Happiest Christmas

    The Happiest Christmas

    Pics of DD & DN sledging TFL! Bernie x Credits: Winter Wonderland kit by Bits n Bobs available at ScrappingBits
  13. She Closed Her Eyes...

    She Closed Her Eyes...

    Dd2 pulled her hat over her eyes and promptly tripped over a root in the snow!!! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Winter Wonderland kit by Bits n Bobs available at ScrappingBits
  14. Mother and Daughter

    Mother and Daughter

    My sister and her DD havng a snowball fight! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Winter Wonderland kit by Bits n Bobs available at Scrappingbits
  15. So Much Fun!

    So Much Fun!

    DD2 (7) on our sledge yesterday in the park! TFL! Bernie x Credits: A New Beginning by Bits n Bobs available at Scrappingbits; Exquisite Scraps 15/1
  16. Not The Day...

    Not The Day...

    Yesterday we were snowed in and the kids' schools were closed, also DH's school, so we had a walk in the park. It was beautiful but sooooo cold! TFL! Bernie x Credits: A New Beginning by Bits n Bobs available at Scrappingbits; Exquisite Scraps 15/1
  17. A Very Special Start

    A Very Special Start

    New Year started with a flurry here! TFL! Bernie x Credits: A New Beginning by Bits n Bobs available at Scrappingbits; Exquisite Scraps 15/1
  18. Wondrous Gift

    Wondrous Gift

    The crib in my Church, and a quote I liked. TFL! Bernie x Credits: A Sweet Christmas kit by Bits n Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps
  19. Together at Christmas

    Together at Christmas

    DD1 loved having her loan horse back from Sussex so she could spend time with her over Christmas. TFL! Bernie x Credits: A Sweet Christmas kit by Bits n Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps
  20. Best Present of All

    Best Present of All

    although it didn't snow actually on Christmas Day, it was close enough to be wonderful! TFL! Bernie x Credits: A Sweet Christmas kit by Bits n Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps