et designs

  1. Precious Moments

    Precious Moments

  2. etd_preciousmoments_page.jpg


    -->> May Berry Big Deals <<-- ----------------- Precious Moments: BBD Bundle by et designs
  3. Precious Moments

    Precious Moments

    Collection "Precious Moments" by Et Designs Photo by ArtSpark - pixabay
  4. Believe in Yourself

    Believe in Yourself

    Font: Papyrus Journal: Believe in yourself, take on new challenges, have faith in your abilities, dig deep within yourself to conquer those fears. Never let anyone bring you down. Without confidence in your own powers, you will never succeed.
  5. Paradise


  6. Seaform


    Kit "Seaform" by Et Designs Photo by Willgard - pixabay
  7. April Day

    April Day

  8. etd_aprilshowers_page.jpg


    -*NEW* April BBD@PBP -"April Showers: BBD Bundle"by et designs
  9. etd_hiddenplaces-page.jpg


    -*NEW* -"Hidden Places Bundle" by et designs
  10. A Walk in the Park

    A Walk in the Park

  11. Nature's Beauty

    Nature's Beauty

  12. Mother Earth

    Mother Earth

    Collection "Mother Earth" by Et Designs Photo by 1Tamara2 - pixabay
  13. etd_motherearth_page1.jpg


    -NEW MARCH BBD- -Mother Earth: BBD Bundle- by et designs
  14. Mother Earth

    Mother Earth

    Collection "Mother Earth" by Et Designs Photo by 1Tamara2 - pixabay
  15. Week #2 - GDSO Show Stopper - It's All in the Name

    Week #2 - GDSO Show Stopper - It's All in the Name

    My first name is Karen. "K" is for Khaki. "K" is for kissing.
  16. Nature Awakening

    Nature Awakening

    kit "Nature Awakening" by Et Designs Photo by Aristal - pixabay
  17. Eleanor


    Nature Awakening Bundle by et designs
  18. Flowerfull


    Collection "Flowerfull" by Et Designs Photo by ArtTower - pixabay
  19. Week-#1GDSO-Show-Stopper-Challenge.jpg


    My backyard is a birders dream with the river to the east and a woods to the north.
  20. Week-1-Technique-Challenge-No-Photo,-No-Problem.jpg


    Music is a big part of my life, especially in my faith walk.