Created with Jumpstart's Christmas Nostalgia collection.
Font is Cookie, photos are personal. One photo has the person fully extracted (left) and another photo has a grouping of people partially extracted (right).
Used two kits by Lara's Digi World: Memories of You and Mental Vacation. The font is Christmas Wish. Photos are mine, taken this past summer, the most recent time our family got together. Every year our family reunites for the first weekend in August. It's a joy to see everyone again!
Used only the December 2020 Mojo Perks Mini Bundle, including the template by MDD. For the extra template I used one of Lorie's templates, called LorieM Stemplate C56-3. The photos are mine and I didn't use any fonts.
This is for the my family challenge. I used Jasmin Olya's kit Keeping Memories.