My son, at five years old, knew what he wanted to be for Halloween.  A Mad Scientist.
Credits:  Bootiful Witch by Paty Greif Design Studio
Festivities [Full kit + 4 full sized bonus pack included] by Vero - The French Touch @
Festivities [Full kit + 4 full sized bonus pack included] by Vero - The French Touch @
Festivities [Full kit + 4 full sized bonus pack included] by Vero - The French Touch @
Festivities [Full kit + 4 full sized bonus pack included] by Vero - The French Touch @
Our youngest's first Halloween, and our family's first time celebrating together since we left the US in 2004! It was a fun night!
The kit is Autumn Delight by Jennifer Labre Designs.
My life in photobook 5. by Tinci Designs
Double, double toil and trouble ( fright night blog train )
TFL and thank you for your comments!
Nov 2 Mojo - White space Challenge
Double, Double, Toil and Trouble mini by Little Feet Digital Design
Great-granddaughters in their Halloween costumes - a colorful cat and a golden angel