
  1. Evening Sunset

    Evening Sunset

    Dawn to Dusk - Kit: Alexis Design Studio https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Dawn-to-Dusk-Kit.html Arty Inspiration #16 Templates: Heartstrings Scrap Art https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Arty-Inspiration-16.html
  2. A Slow Walk in the Woods

    A Slow Walk in the Woods

    Credits:    Kit:    Under the Canopy, Heartstrings Scrap Art Font Used:  Microsoft Himalaya Available at:  Pickleberrypop - https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Under-the-Canopy-Page-Kit.html
  3. Let it Snow

    Let it Snow

    Credits:    Template and Kit:  Shining Winter (DSS December Anthology),   Heartstrings Scrap Art and Simplette Creatively Artless Font Used:  Chaparral Pro and Lao UI Available at:  PickleberryPop   Template:&nbsp...
  4. Winter Wonderland

    Winter Wonderland

    Credits:    Template:   Arty Inspiration 16 Template Set, Heartstrings Scrap Art Kit:   Snow Excited,  Heartstrings Scrap Art Font Used:Khmer UI Available at Pickleberrypop -...
  5. Full of Joy

    Full of Joy

    L'hiver des Roses Bundle + FWP: reginafalango https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/L-hiver-des-Roses-Bundle-FWP.html Arty Inspiration #16 Templates: Heartstrings Scrap Art https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Arty-Inspiration-16.html
  6. Love and Happiness

    Love and Happiness

    Arty Inspiration #14 Templates: Heartstrings Scrap Art https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Arty-Inspiration-14.html Kingdom of Softness : Simplette Scrap and Design
  7. Bella


    i heart you #10 Templates; Heartstrings Scrap Art https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/i-heart-you-10.html Outstanding Moment : Simplette Scrap and Design
  8. Creating Fashion for Pink Week

    Creating Fashion for Pink Week

    Credits:    Template and Kit:    Everyday Magic, Heartstrings Scrap Art Font Used: Lazy Spring Day and Myriad Web Available at: Pickleberrypop - https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Everyday-Magic-Bundle.html
  9. Smile


    Everyday Magic: BBD Bundle: Heartstrings Scrap Art https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Everyday-Magic-Bundle.html
  10. Love


    Arty Inspiration #14 Templates: Heartstrings Scrap Art https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Arty-Inspiration-14.html Growing Love ): Simplette Scrap and Design
  11. Oh My Handbag

    Oh My Handbag

  12. Holiday Celebrate

    Holiday Celebrate

    Celebrate With Music challenge. Dreaming of A White Christmas collection by Heartstrings Scrap Art . https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Dreaming-of-a-White-Christmas-Collection.html
  13. 2019


    The white space challenge. Used Enjoy the Moment by Heartstrings Scrap Art. https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Enjoy-the-Moment-Mega-Collection.html Template One-derful 14 by Heartstrings Scrap Art. https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/One-derful-14.html
  14. Journal


    Shining Winter Templates: Heartstrings Scrap Art https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Shining-Winter-Templates.html Forgotten Diaries: G&T Designs
  15. Happy New Year

    Happy New Year

    Shining Winter Templates: Heartstrings Scrap Art https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/Shining-Winter-Templates.html A New Start - Page Kit: TraceyB Creations
  16. Go Forth and be Fabulous

    Go Forth and be Fabulous

    Credits: Template: One-Derful 18, Heartstrings Scrap Art Kit:   Better Together Collaboration, Font Used: Tempus Sans ITC  Available at: Pickleberrypop -Template:  https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/product.php?productid=71901&page=1
  17. Fabulous


    One-derful #18 Template: Heartstrings Scrap Art https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/product.php?productid=71901&page=1 Follow Your Heart:y Kristin Cronin-Barrow
  18. Sweet


    Krafty Christmas - All In One with Free With Purchase: Laitha Art Studio https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/product.php?productid=71877&page=1 Tell Your Story #2 Templates: Heartstrings Scrap Art https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/product.php?productid=71440&page=1
  19. Decorating a Gingerbread House

    Decorating a Gingerbread House

    Credits:    Template:   Joy to the World 1, Heartstrings Scrap Art Kit:    GingerBread House, Scraps N Pieces Font Used:  KB3EtchingsInZinc and Myriad Pro Post all layouts necessarily the DSB gallery and gallery DST. -...
  20. In the Woods

    In the Woods

    Under the Canopy Page Kit: Heartstrings Scrap Art https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/product.php?productid=71542&page=1 Sweet & Spooky Templates: Heartstrings Scrap Art https://pickleberrypop.com/shop/product.php?productid=70363&page=2