Mojo Nov Font Challenge using Bristle Brush Font
Moonlight Reverie by Laitha
Moonlight Reverie - Out of Bounds Frames by Laitha
Mojo Oct 14th - Smatters, scatters, splatters and scribbles - Challenge
Past Glory by Laithi Designs Kit:
Painted Clusters...
Mojo - Oct Scraplift Challenge
Lifting Mother Bear's You Dazzle Me LO
Incanto by Laitha's Designs
My niece got married in June (she is such a cutie) and I am making her a scrapbook of wedding photos for her Christmas present.
Precious Memories by Studio Manu and Laitha's Designs
Word Art by Kim Hill
I have traveled to many places, but the beauty of my mom's house and yard combined with the love and spirit in her home has no rivals as my favorite place.
Kit is Lily Pond with contributions by Mitsybelle, Piggy Scraps, and Laitha.
Fonts are Blossom and Journal.