From left to right: My DD1, my DN, my DD2 - they' all love riding!!!!
Bernie x
Credits: Angels and Fairies kit by Bits n Bobs available at Scrappingbits and/or Exquisite Scraps
DD1's loan horse was moved to another stables in August as her owner was ill and needed to move house.
DD1 was heartbroken.
But then we heard from the owner that the new stables couldn't cope with her as she wasn't happy there and was being naughty!
So with a bit of co-operation between us...
DD2 with her dad at Walmer pebble beach - having been in the water she was a tad chilly!!
Bernie x
Credits: Early Autumn kit by Bits N Bobs available at Scrappingbits
DD1 earlier this year - wish we DID have somewhere like this to ride!!
Bernie x
Credits: Back to Nature kit by Bits N Bobs available from Scrapping Bits
This old photo was useful in reminding me of our holiday we've just got back form! We had some high winds and rain, and trees were losing their leaves, so I used this old photo to remind me of our holiday!
Bernie x
credits: Starving Artist kit by Bits N Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps
2 photos toaken by my Dd1 whilst on her school residential trip to the Loire Valley in May '09. The stained glass looked so beautiful! The 2nd photo is the's his tombstone!
Bernie x
credits: Starving Artist kit by Bits N Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps
Although this is the horse my DD1 has been loaning, my DD2 loves her just as much!!
Bernie x
Credits: Garden of Life kit by Bits N Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps
DD2 dressed up for World Book Day - the theme for her class was Traditional tales, and she loved her costume!
Bernie x
Credits: Garden of Life kit by Bits N Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps
My youngest wearing her uncle's sunglasses - we were waiting in yet another queue at the amusement park!
Bernie x
Credits: Watermelon kit by Bits N Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps