
  1. Capture this moment

    Capture this moment

    Fragrance of Nature - Collection by Dutch Dream Designs


  3. Narawntapu National Park

    Narawntapu National Park

    Layout created using Boxed In templates by Jen Yurko Collection – It Was November by Jen Yurko
  4. Wisconsin Autumn

    Wisconsin Autumn

    Kit: Autumn Day by Et Designs at Green Leaf: Fall Leaves Vol. 2(CU) by Erin's Mixed Media & More at Sugarhill Photo Mask: Photo Masks Vol. 1 by Designs by Kiki Fonts: Brewery & Lux Lineae(Title) and CF Jack Story(Year)
  5. Morning Hike

    Morning Hike

  6. Life is about moments

    Life is about moments

  7. life is a gift

    life is a gift

    created with Life is a Gift by Tiramisu Designs
  8. Best of Times

    Best of Times

    Sunshine Templates | Heartstrings Scrap Art (BBD July) Kit: Nature Journal | Heartstrings Scrap Art
  9. Let nature be your teacher

    Let nature be your teacher

  10. A-Bit-of-Green.jpg


    I love Nature's living green!
  11. Explore


    by Lorie photo credit : Woddy Kelly (Unsplash)
  12. Thankful For

    Thankful For

    I used On a Whimsical Adventure's Ostara's Alpha for the title My Health, which I altered, and her kit Moon Child for the rest of the page (KIT) (PAPERS). The font if Pacifico. It's as abstract as I can make a digital page.
  13. Rebecca


    Used Regina Falango's Floral Note and the journal paper is by Palvinka, from her Key to Happiness kit. Font is Christmas Wish. The tag and the scribble are from Palvinka's Nature Walk kit. Journaling: The person to whom I am closest is my daughter, Rebecca. Because of her, I have a nice home, a...
  14. Morning Light

    Morning Light

    Used only the October 2021 Mojo Perks for this page.
  15. AE Rebb

    AE Rebb

    I found STYX The Grand Illusion 1977 Vinyl to be the perfect model for my daughter's self-portrait. I used Heartstrings Scrap Art's Dream Travel Kit for this page of my daughter's photo. Used with permission.
  16. Love Between Us

    Love Between Us

    Spring 2020, our backyard visitors. Font is Chalisa Oktavia, photo is mine. Used only the kit provided, the Mystery Box for November, 2021.
  17. Frosty Beauty

    Frosty Beauty

    Used only the kit provided for this Use-It-All Challenge, See the Beauty by Tiramisu.
  18. Happy Starr

    Happy Starr

    Mystery Box for October, 2021. Used only the contents of the Mystery Box for this page. Photo is mine of Starr, one of our three cats. Font is Italianno.
  19. Plants are Magical

    Plants are Magical

    Used Fall In Love by Indigo by Anna, and Woodland Magic by Heartrings Scrap Art. One photo, one scatter and 2 curly ribbons. Font is Italianno and photo is mine.
  20. Serenity


    Template by LorieM. Photos are mine. Font is Century Schoolbook. Used Lara's Digi World's Serenity Beach. For me, (journaling): Plants and flowers and trees = Serenity.