I captured photos of these cute little Koala's whilst at a wildlife park in Adelaide.
Nature's Ephemera 1 page kit by Christine Gundersen @ digitalscrapbookplace
DD1 earlier this year - wish we DID have somewhere like this to ride!!
Bernie x
Credits: Back to Nature kit by Bits N Bobs available from Scrapping Bits
my DD had fun watching the kids swimming...and she really want to swim also
papers and elements from
Loving Life Kit by LorieM Designs
***The Nature of Nature*** and WA`s
Designers Collab
(ANN Designs, Creme-brulee Designs, Cucciola Design, Damayanti Studio,
Desytka Designs, EljDorado Designs, Inulja Design, Kroki Design)
Grand opening of the new shop Dreamland Digital Designs at 4 September