neia scraps

  1. Autumn Days

    Autumn Days

    Cozy Comfort Bundle by Neia Scraps
  2. Halloween Treats

    Halloween Treats

    A Sweet Halloween Bundle by Neia Scraps Crisp Days Templates by Miss Fish
  3. A Sweet Halloween

    A Sweet Halloween

    Created with A Sweet Halloween bundle by Neia Scraps
  4. Autumn in the Dandenong Ranges

    Autumn in the Dandenong Ranges

    Created with Joyfall by Neia Scraps Template: Traveler’s Notebook – Journey 1 by Miss Fish Templates
  5. 2024-06-12_TravelTheWorld


    Layout for Aug24 Summer Challenge Kit: Destination Unknown - Bundle - by Neia Scraps l
  6. 2024-05-12_MothersDay


    Layout for Aug24 No Mask? No Problem! challenge Kit: Neia_MyMemories_05May
  7. 2024-06-05_WeWereHere


    Layout for Aug24 Template challenge Kit: JBS-OffTheBeatenPath Neia_DestinationUnknown Template: cwd-AUG-Challenge-temp
  8. Good Vibes By the Pond

    Good Vibes By the Pond

    Credits: Kit: – Lazy Summer Days Designs by Neia Scraps Font Used: Georgia Regular and Minion Pro Bold
  9. Fresh Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

    Fresh Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

    Credits: Kit: Strawberry Bundle, Designs by Neia Scraps Font Used: Myriad Pro Bold Condensed
  10. Island of Kos

    Island of Kos

    Lolly Bag #3 by Neia Scraps Lazy Summer Days
  11. Sweet Strawberry Picking

    Sweet Strawberry Picking

    Lolly Bag #2 by Neia Scraps Strawberry
  12. Ths Is Me

    Ths Is Me

    This Is Me bundle by Neia Scraps Btw, I love how the newsprint is from my hometown and shows MELBOURNE which is where the photo was taken.
  13. My Reason

    My Reason

    Be The Reason bundle by Neia Scraps
  14. Framed in purple

    Framed in purple

    Framed bundle by Neia Scraps
  15. Taking the Morning Off

    Taking the Morning Off

    Credits: Kit: Me Time Designs by Neia Scraps Font Used: Arial Narrow Bold
  16. Celebrating her 4th Birthday

    Celebrating her 4th Birthday

    Credits: Kit: Lets Celebrate Grab Bag, Designs by Neia Scraps Font Used: Tekton Pro Regular
  17. Cliff Walk

    Cliff Walk

    Embrace The Bloom – Grab Bag Offer by Neia Scraps
  18. Lets Celebrate

    Lets Celebrate

    Let’s Celebrate – Grab Bag Offer by Neia Scraps
  19. Bruny Beauty

    Bruny Beauty

    Layout was done for the Time To Recycle Challenge by Neia Scraps. I used Neia's Sea Breeze and Seafoam bundle for this recycled version of a winter layout. ( The challenge thread shows before and after layouts)
  20. 2023-11-19_IAm


    Week #5: GDSO - Show Stopper Challenge | Flip a Coin: Digi Duos/Trios Kits used: Sunflowers Kit by JB Studio and Neia Scraps . Friends for Life Bundle by Just Because Studio and LorieM Designs