at least that's how the gentle light from the Advent Wreath made me feel yesterday, LOL!!
Bernie x
Credits: O Holy Night kit by Girlboheme Studios/Aimee Harrison available at Divine Digital
William is attending college in Chicago, Illinois.
A Night To Remember Page Kit by Rina Kroes;
A Night To Remember Borders by Rina Kroes;
Rina's A Night To Remember Word Art Created by Bon
Katie is the beautiful young Italian Miss whom William attended the prom with this year!
A Night To Remember Page Kit by Rina Kroes;
A Night To Remember Embellishments by Rina Kroes
My darling Granddaughter enjoys her time outside in the spring sunshine.
A Night To Remember Page Kit by Rina Kroes;
Lined Up Template Pack from Deisgns by Sarah Bennett;
Perfect you_citrusbreeze word art by Clickphoto-LieN;
Typewriter font
My DD2 aged 7, she'd taken herself off after getting upset about something and nothing! This is my first ever extraction...if you can call it that, as it wasn't done the orthodox way, lol, just a bit of messing about with the eraser really, and then some brushes for the shadow and light. I'm not...
fantastic kit "Bootiful night" + WA BONUS by Damayanti Studio and Sunmay Art
at Sunflower Scrap
and Dreamland Digital Designs
TFL! Jana
My Dds and DH on New Year's Day 2008 at Wildwood, with a picture of DH's favourite in the background!
Bernie x
Credits: Rustic Nights kit by December Daydreams available at Scrap IT Sassy
This is one of very few photos, where my little Szymek sleeps. He is so sensitive to sounds, that camera wakes him up so I cherish this few I have.
Blueberry Night by Kimla Designs
Enchanted forest by Milla and Madame Mim (white flower I)
White chocolate by Lily...