PUPPY LOVE by Dawn Inskip available here at PBP. Other products are from Dawn Inskip's "Weather Station" and her "Evitangel" collab with Heather Manning.
"Puppy Love" kit by Dawn Inskip and some elements from "Evitangel" collab by Dawn Inskip and Heather Manning. These awesome kits can be found at here at PBP.
Fonts are GoodDog Cool and Texas Hero
My new puppy Corin and my son Isaiah adore each other!
Supplies (check out Tracy Ann's NSD sales!!)
Tadoodles Titles,
Tadoodles Tippy,
Ice Frames,
sparkles from Tadoodles Delight
I had waited months for my new
puppy to join us. After deciding
which breeder I would work...
Suzy, one of my mini doxies, almost gets lost in the poppies near our house. The wildflowers are so thick right now and the color is so stunning!
Celebrate Spring by Carla Ware @ 3Scrapateers.
Fonts: Beyond Wonderland and Black Chancery
Program used: Microsoft Digital Image Suite 2006