
  1. rainbow


    *********NEW******New*********** Fanciful Dreams March Collaborative Kit- Designs by ScrapShana DigiScrapaganza.com mask-freebie angels by Kubivet Thank you, for the RAK!
  2. Zippity-Do-Dah


    CREDITS: My Sunshine QP by Kristen Cronin Barrow; Additional Elements by Mololi; Fonts: Parade and Enchanted Prairie Dog
  3. Laundry Boys

    Laundry Boys

    This is a scraplift of ~Karen~'s layout, Happy Faces: http://www.scrapbook-bytes.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=280291 Over the Rainbow by Natalie Bird Shape for frame from Ashton by Natalie Bird Make A Date Brush by Victoria's (Chirpi) Designs Font: Palatino
  4. Cooking My Meal

    Cooking My Meal

    Journaling: Dont worry mommy, I washed my hands before starting cooking your meal! I hope you are hungry, I just have to add some water and Im done! Kit: Rainbow Dreams Orange by Denise Spellweaver at Digitals Font: CAC Pinafore
  5. Rainbow connection

    Rainbow connection

    This is my entry for the pj-challenge! I have a habit of making wishes on rainbows and whenever I get the chance take a picture too. This one is taken in our livingroom. We have an apartment on the 5th floor. One rainbow I haven't have a photo of I saw while driving to work, that evening I found...