
  1. Snow rose

    Snow rose

    kit DESIGN BY ALEVTINA Snow rose
  2. Snow rose

    Snow rose

    kit DESIGN BY ALEVTINA Snow rose
  3. Snow rose

    Snow rose

    kit DESIGN BY ALEVTINA Snow rose
  4. Snow rose

    Snow rose

    kit DESIGN BY ALEVTINA Snow rose
  5. Girl Power

    Girl Power

    When my friend Zorka a.k.a. DeepGirl went over to Luxembourg to see me, she -- without planning to do so -- put together a lamp for me, helped me to hang some pictures on the wall and assembled a miniature IKEA chest of drawers. She's also very skilled at webdesign and graphic design... So much...
  6. Curiosity


    A page featuring my colleague and her son, in my favourite colour scheme of blue and green. In a way, this was a defining layout for me, as I finally dared to combine various kits for one layout. Up to that moment I more or less kept to one kit when doing a page. It also belongs to my...
  7. Splendour Indeed

    Splendour Indeed

    Photo taken at Walmer Castle, Kent, UK. TFL! Bernie x Credits: Roses are Red kit by Just Another Scrap available at Scrap It Sassy
  8. Daddy I Love You

    Daddy I Love You

    DD2 with DH a couple of years ago! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Roses are Red kit by Just Another Scrap available at Scrap It Sassy
  9. Something Red...

    Something Red...

    My darling daughter Valentines Day 2009 Font: Allegro
  10. Ohio Rose

    Ohio Rose

    My Mother worked for months making her Ohio Rose quilt and I think it was one of her most favorite quilts of the many she had made over the years. I know she would be so proud to know it is now hanging on my bedroom wall CREDITS: Cerulean Calm Page Kit by Kimberly Stewart Cerulean Calm...
  11. Don't worry

    Don't worry

    This is my kitty Nassu wearing his tuff cat collar. Shabby Cottage ~ Rose Garden ~ Entire Kit Created by Patricia Christensen