
  1. So Softly

    So Softly

    My DD Credits: Ever So Softly: Feli Designs February Challenge Template freebie:Optic Illusions
  2. Ever so Softly

    Ever so Softly

    My son and GF Credits: Ever So Softly: Feli Designs
  3. pjk-Ever So Softly

    pjk-Ever So Softly

    Made with Ever So Softly by Feli Designs
  4. So subtle

    So subtle

    Kit So subtle by Studio Lalie Designs
  5. So Subtle by Studio Lalie

    So Subtle by Studio Lalie

    So Subtle by Studio Lalie Available here
  6. So subtle

    So subtle

    So subtle by Studio Lalie Designs
  7. So subtle

    So subtle

    Credits:So subtle by Studio Lalie Designs Template by PrelestnayaP Thanks for Looking!
  8. So you sweet

    So you sweet

    Kit Fun for you by Yalana design
  9. Lil' Miss Lipstick

    Lil' Miss Lipstick

    This is So.....Pink by Carolyn Rose Kite
  10. ABC Book

    ABC Book

    So...Pink kit by CRK
  11. ABC Book

    ABC Book

    So...Pink kit by CRK
  12. Sp Special

    Sp Special

    Credits: So Special by Armina Designs at
  13. Sp Special

    Sp Special

    Credits: So Special by Armina Designs at
  14. Toasty Warm

    Toasty Warm

    DD2 all wrapped up last year! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Santa Baby kit by Just So Scrappy available at Digital Design Den and WordArt by Snickerdoodle Designs by Karen also available at Digital Design Den
  15. Last Christmas

    Last Christmas

    Christmas at our old house last year! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Snow in Love kit by Snickerdoodle Designs by Karen available at Digital Design Den
  16. Christmas Wish

    Christmas Wish

    This is what our family wishes for each Christmas, LOL! We usually get it around February time though!! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Santa Baby kit by Just So Scrappy available at Digital Design Den and WordArt by Snickerdoodle Designs by Karen also available at Digital Design Den
  17. So delicate

    So delicate

    So delicate by Lilas
  18. This is me

    This is me

    This was created for the list Challenge, using CRK's "Another Day in Paradise" and "So Blue".
  19. So Proud

    So Proud

    DD1 at a Dressage Comp. TFL! Bernie x Credits: Pippin Apple by JoeG Designs available at DigiScrap Mania
  20. Just So Predicatble

    Just So Predicatble

    ...our weather, LOL! TFL! Bernie x Credits: A Kiwi Fantasy by Bits N Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps