
  1. Yankee Doodle Dandy Tap

    Yankee Doodle Dandy Tap

    Made for the Color challenge using LJDs Stars Stripes kit. My DD in her recital tap number, dancing to the song "Yankee doodle dandy"
  2. Ft. Snelling

    Ft. Snelling

    A few years ago DS and I were stuck in MN for a diving meet on the 4th of July. Boy were we glad that we were!! They have a fabulous fort there, Ft. Snelling, and had re-enactments there all day long. Because it was roughly from the same time period period as the revolutionary war, it really...
  3. Fun, Fourth and Fireworks

    Fun, Fourth and Fireworks

    This is for the fabulous July Color Challenge - be sure to check out all of the new challenges for July in the forum. CREDITS: Red, White and Blue by Lindsay Jane HERE and on sale Stars and Stripes - Lindsay Jane - coming JULY 1st to PBP NOTE: The kits mix and match perfectly - they...
  4. Near the Moon I catch the stars

    Near the Moon I catch the stars

    Near the Moon I catch the stars by Cali Design
  5. Near the Moon I catch the stars

    Near the Moon I catch the stars

    Near the Moon I catch the stars by Cali Design
  6. Near the moon I catch the stars

    Near the moon I catch the stars

    Credit: Near the Moon I Catch the Stars by Cali Designs Photo by JJ mily photography
  7. Precious


    Credits: Lorie M's IN MY HEART kit Fiddle Dee Dee Designs LIKE MOTHER LIKE DAUGHTER template set 1.
  8. Reach for the Stars

    Reach for the Stars

    Journaling: Mighty oaks from little acorns grow. Credits: Photo is mine. Date and journaling font is Viner Hand ITC. Title font is from Dawn Inskip's portion of the Nature's Promise collaboration kit by Dawn Inskip and mle Card. All other items are from Dawn Inskip's kit Grace. Both kits are...
  9. Nanny and Poppy

    Nanny and Poppy

    Nanny and Poppy (Noelle's parents) are very special to Isaac. He sees them just about every day, and he loves them so much! Flirty Fiesta Collection by Rina Kroes
  10. Reach Up To Heaven

    Reach Up To Heaven

    Everything except the hands is by Kristi Westling and Amy Stoffel and is from their Noah's Ark Collab. You can find it here Text Let your heart be not faint Now the journeys begun; There is...
  11. reach for the stars

    reach for the stars

    materials: head in the clouds kit by gypsy couture ** new at ** font by ali edwards
  12. Keeper of the Stars

    Keeper of the Stars

    Credits: Vinnie Pearce - He's Royalty and My Drama Queen FafBr Designs - Daisies for Lally Action Elisja - About Girls Word Art
  13. Hey Mom!

    Hey Mom!

    Our great-niece was throroughly enjoying all the rides at the amusement park on her school trip! Clowns Kit by Kimberly Stewart; Template by Vanessa Armstrong for Lauren Grier's Team Blog Fonts: Opine Heavy; Milk and Cereal
  14. BFF


    Samantha and her best bud Jailynn love to pose for niece Lyndzie as she polishes her photography skills CREDITS: Clowns by Kimberly Stewart will be released in the Scrapbook-Elements Store on Sun Jan 18! Mama's Little Man Alpha by Kimberly Stewart Inspired by Templates Volume 10 by Deb...
  15. Joy To The World

    Joy To The World

    Grandbabies bring such extreme Joy To The World! CREDITS: Oh Night Divine Page Kit by Rina Kroes; Oh Night Divine Cluster Farems by Rina Kroes; Oh Night Divine Word Art by Rina Kroes; Scriptina font
  16. Bold and BooTFul

    Bold and BooTFul

    The Bold and Boo-T-Ful family of our Great-Nephew from a few years ago. Trick or Treat-Ghosts and Goblins by Kimberly Stewart Sketch by Leslie Block fonts: Taylor Mackenzie, Splash and PeaCarrieScript
  17. Fairy Tales Can Come True

    Fairy Tales Can Come True

    Our Great-Nephew with his princess are living their own fairy-tale. Trick or Treat-Fairytales and Heroes by Kimberly Stewart sketch by DizzyBlondeScraps Fonts: Olde English Text and Olde English
  18. Absolute Delight

    Absolute Delight

    My oldest Granddaughter truly is an Absolute Delight. Although she was already ten years old when my DS#2 and her Mom first got together, you would think she has his genes for she is so much like him! Although I seldom get to see her because they have always lived so far away, she writes the...
  19. Little League

    Little League

    Alice's Singles 12"x12" Template 007 Alice's Down & Dirty Page Set Alice's Lil' Missy Alphas available at Pickleberrypop
  20. Minor A

    Minor A

    Alice's Funky Squares Template Alice's Grunge Paper B Solid Blue Glass Alpha Freebie by Misty Cato Font: CK Becky