We enjoyed a day at the lake with family on their boat. Skiing isn't my thing but it is for my ranchman. I had a blast being in charge of the flag in the boat.
Most times I shy away from having my picture taken cause I am so fat and I tend to hide the few that do get taken but lately I have decided to go ahead and scrap them. So here is one from 1986 I had hid away. Some day I'll be dead and gone and the grandkids may get a kick out of seeing them :)...
Used two kits by Lara's Digi World: Memories of You and Mental Vacation. The font is Christmas Wish. Photos are mine, taken this past summer, the most recent time our family got together. Every year our family reunites for the first weekend in August. It's a joy to see everyone again!
Used all the required elements and techniques from Mojo Perks August 2021. The clipped paper is the cloud floating on upper left of page. Font is Dancing Script. Photo is mine.
Used the August Mystery Box contents exclusively, and recolored the background paper to match the photo of my lovely Begonia. Font is Baskerville Old Face. Journaling: Summer Sunshine makes Summer Flowers