
  1. believe in magic

    believe in magic

    created with White Holiday by Tiramisu Design.
  2. Winter Fun

    Winter Fun

    NEW! ART BOX No.22 by TirAmisu design
  3. Christmas Joy

    Christmas Joy

    NEW! ART BOX No.22 by TirAmisu design picture from @Pinterest
  4. Storytelling 1224

    Storytelling 1224

    Kit is available exclusively in the Dandelion Dust Designs FB Fan Group for FREE through 12/31/2024. Template by Jimbo Jambo Designs.
  5. Real beauty

    Real beauty

  6. Surreal


  7. Art Metallica

    Art Metallica

  8. Magical transition

    Magical transition

    New! Cozy Mood BBD Bundle by Kakleidesigns
  9. Chilly Weather

    Chilly Weather

    New! Cozy Mood BBD Bundle by Kakleidesigns
  10. Cozy Mood

    Cozy Mood

    New! Cozy Mood BBD Bundle by Kakleidesigns
  11. Christmas On The Gulf Coast

    Christmas On The Gulf Coast

    Dante's first Christmas "down South" Kit: Crisp Winter Morning
  12. Too Cold!

    Too Cold!

    All bundled up. Dante doesn't much care for being out in the cold, he would rather play inside where it's warm. Crisp Winter Morning Duo by Cindy Ritter
  13. Metallic fashion

    Metallic fashion

    NEW!! November Canvas page kit by Kakleidesigns
  14. November canvas

    November canvas

    NEW!! November Canvas page kit by Kakleidesigns
  15. Glamour


    Courtly and Chic Bundle by Kakleidesigns
  16. Modern and sassy

    Modern and sassy

    Courtly and Chic Bundle by Kakleidesigns
  17. Courtly and Chic

    Courtly and Chic

    Courtly and Chic Bundle by Kakleidesigns
  18. 2020-06-27_Veldfires


    Layout for Jan24 Winter challenge Template: jy_banded1-tp2 (rotated) Kit: chunlin_TheStoriesWeTell Journaling reads: I might be one of the few people who doesn't dislike winter. I much prefer it to summer. {At least in winter I can add on extra layers or snuggle under a blanket to keep warm...
  19. Winter Kissed

    Winter Kissed

  20. Color and energy

    Color and energy

    New Vitality Bundle by Kakleidesigns