
  1. Those Heels!

    Those Heels!

    DD2 on the day of her First Holy Communion, with my sister. She loves those heels!! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Denim & Daisy by Heaven Dreams available at Scrap It Sassy
  2. Freedom


    DD1 on her last beach hack with her loan horse. TFL! Bernie x Credits: Denim & Daisy by Heaven Dreams available at Scrap It Sassy
  3. Curly Girlies!

    Curly Girlies!

    My DN & DD1 after curling their hair! Made for a class at Hummie's World. TFL! Bernie x Credits: Girlboheme Studios Carolyn Louise & My Sweet Love kits available at Divine Digital; Piccolini Angelini Eternal Amour & Se Souvenir kits; Brush: Dance of the Flowers by...
  4. Queen for a Day

    Queen for a Day

    DD2 dressed up as Tudor Queen! TFL! Bernie x credits: May-Hem by Bits n Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps
  5. My Beauty

    My Beauty

    DD2 TFL! Bernie x credits: May-Hem by Bits n Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps
  6. Mayhem on the Menu

    Mayhem on the Menu

    this is what happens when someone gives your children blue sherbert!! TFL! Bernie x credits: May-Hem by Bits n Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps
  7. White


    made for a class at Hummie's World. Unbelievably, the flowers I bought prior to last w/e for my DD2's Holy Communion are still alive!! TFL! Bernie x Credits: I used a border brush on the photo (border brushes for photoshop by pyocola_sama) and a floral brush on the b/g paper (Dance of the...
  8. Your Great Skill

    Your Great Skill

    DD2 and her ability to CHAT! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Bad Boys by Stargazy Creations available at Scrap It Sassy
  9. Thoughtful


    DD2 away with the fairies! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Bad Boys by Stargazy Creations available at Scrap It Sassy
  10. Watch in Awe

    Watch in Awe

    one of my sunset photos! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Happy Easter, Happy Spring by Katzscrapz available at Scrap It Sassy
  11. Mates


    one of my sunset photos! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Happy Easter, Happy Spring by Katzscrapz available at Scrap It Sassy
  12. Springtime Beauty

    Springtime Beauty

    Some pretty blossom at Hever Castle! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Spring Dreams by Citygurl Creations available at Scrap It Sassy
  13. Mad With Joy?

    Mad With Joy?

    Some random thoughts on throwing away cut flowers!! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Spring Dreams by Citygurl Creations available at Scrap It Sassy
  14. Note To Self

    Note To Self

    Hummie posted this Bible quote and it just spoke to me - we're trying to sell our house atm and I keep wondering where we will end up next!! photo is one of mine from THE most amazing sunset I've ever seen here in Margate, back in 2005. TFL! Bernie x Credits: That's Life by dawn Inskip...
  15. Family


    My parents, DDs and DN on Easter Sunday - and for once none of them are pulling horrendous faces, LOL! TFL! Bernie x Credits: That's Life by Dawn Inskip available here
  16. Pure Love

    Pure Love

    Dd2 TFL! Bernie x Credits: Spring Mood by OpanaskoArt Designs available at Scrapbird
  17. Perfectly Matched

    Perfectly Matched

    Dd1 on her loan horse before it was sold TFL! Bernie x Credits: Spring Mood by OpanaskoArt Designs available at Scrapbird
  18. "Bed Night Socks"

    "Bed Night Socks"

    A term coined by one DD and now used by the next!! TFL! Bernie x Credits: Spring Mood by OpanaskoArt Designs available at Scrapbird
  19. One Special Girl

    One Special Girl

    My DN - sh'es had some kids doing horrid stuff to her this week, and we're so proud of the way she's coped with it, and conducted herself. TFL! Bernie x Credits: Sunflower Patch by Bits n Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps/Scrapppingbits
  20. My Sister

    My Sister

    My sister being mad - again!! Created for a challenge at Hummie's World - inspired by Marzia. TFL! Bernie x Credits: Sunflower Patch by Bits n Bobs available at Exquisite Scraps/Scrapppingbits Mask: Nini @ Suddenly Artistic