Home :: Element Packs :: It's a Winterful Life: Add-On

It's a Winterful Life: Add-On

It's a Winterful Life: Add-On
by Julie by Glori2 - PBP CT by Janik by Rochelle by Elizabeth22 - PBP CT by Beth - PBP CT by Rochelle by Julie by Janik by Gina - PBP CT by lencik_veredniy - PBP CT

I'll admit - I'm not a winter person. I don't like to be cold, I don't ski and really dislike driving in the snow. BUT, I live in a winter wonderland, especially this time of year. I also love old movies, so my theme name is a play on the old Christmas Movie, It's a Wonderful Life. Get it? *grin* I thought it was a fun little twist, especially coming from someone who prefers to be warm and cozy :)

Even though I don't love many winter activities, I do appreciate the beauty of freshly fallen snow. Our majestic mountains here in Utah are even more beautiful when they're topped with sparkling, white snow (as long as I'm looking from a distance.) So, whether you enjoy winter up close, from afar or only in photos, I hope you'll enjoy using It's a Winterful Life to scrap your winter memories.

Download includes 77 Elements (26 unique), all delivered as png files.

All designs were created at 300 ppi for excellent print quality.

Note - it is possible that sample layouts may include papers/elements/wordart and/or use templates that are not included with this product.


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Add date: 12 Jan 2024

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