Home :: Bundles & Collections :: Jardin Fleuri (collection) by Simplette

Jardin Fleuri (collection) by Simplette

Jardin Fleuri (collection) by Simplette

Discover the enchanting beauty of "Jardin Fleuri", a captivating collection that invites you to immerse yourself in a world of blooming wonders. With its vibrant colors and delightful elements, this collection is a celebration of all things floral and garden-inspired. Unleash your creativity and let "Jardin Fleuri" transport you to a serene and blossoming garden. Whether you're scrapbooking cherished memories, designing greeting cards, or creating beautiful crafts, this collection will inspire and captivate your imagination.

Transform your projects into works of art with the "Jardin Fleuri" collection. Embrace the vibrant colors, embrace the beauty of nature, and let your creativity bloom.

This pack contains the full 6 packs collection :

  • 47 flowered elements
  • 10 papers
  • 25 scenic elements
  • 10 patterned papers
  • 4 embellishments
  • 5 accents

all papers are in .jpg format 300dpi and 3600 x 3600 pixels
all elements are in .png format 300dpi various size
downloadable folder : .zip

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Add date: 14 May 2023
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