Home :: Paper Packs :: Life in Full Bloom: Semi-Solid Papers

Life in Full Bloom: Semi-Solid Papers

Life in Full Bloom: Semi-Solid Papers
by Janik by Julie by catgoddess - PBP CT by 01lousmith - PBP CT by Rochelle by Ozegirl - PBP CT by Beth - PBP CT by Elizabeth22 - PBP CT by Janik by Julie by Rochelle

For as long as I can remember, I have LOVED working in my flower and vegetable gardens....until this year. By the middle of May, I usually have everything planted, but I'm still waiting on some garden fairies to come and get rid of the weeds and grass that are taking over this year. Lol, maybe it has to do with getting older, too. So, until the garden fairies come to the rescue, I guess I'll get back to work. I hope you can find some gardening time or just time enjoying some lovely flowers & take lots of pics. Life in Full Bloom is the perfect collection for scrapping your gardening adventures or any of the other fun things that you do during May!

Download includes: 23 Semi-Solid, lightly textured Papers built at 12" x 12", 300 ppi (3600 px).

Note - it is possible that sample layouts may include papers/elements/wordart and/or use templates that are not included with this product.


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Add date: 17 May 2024

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