Home :: Paper Packs :: We Rise: Artsy Papers

We Rise: Artsy Papers

We Rise: Artsy Papers
Layout by lbrtychic Layout by Scrapdolly Layout by Ozegirl - PBP CT Layout by Chaos Lounge - PBP CT Layout by bcgal00 Layout by Rochelle86 Layout by lbrtychic Layout by Janik Layout by Bright Eyes - PBP CT Layout by bcgal00 Layout by Janik Layout by oldenmeade - PBP CT

In a time when the world seems to be telling us to separate and is tearing us down, I think it’s time to take a stand. We need to be kind, build up and lift up those around us. That’s what We Rise is all about – lifting others, being kind and choosing happiness in a world filled with hatred and unrest. I’m not trying to make a political statement with this kit, nor supporting any specific groups. I just hope that through scrapping we can encourage others to love people, forget labels and just be a good human.

Download includes: 12 Papers (6 Hot Mess, 6 Painted) 12" x 12", 300 ppi.

Note - it is possible that sample layouts may include papers/elements/wordart and/or use templates that are not included with this product.


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Add date: 14 Aug 2020

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