Home :: Pocket Scrapbooking :: It's Always Autumn Pocket Pieces

It's Always Autumn Pocket Pieces

It's Always Autumn Pocket Pieces
Layout by Scraptious - PBP CT Layout by Julie Layout by Scrapbxl - PBP CT Layout by Scrapdolly - PBP CT Layout by Elizabeth22 - PBP CT Layout by Bright Eyes - PBP CT Layout by Glori2 - PBP CT Layout by robinsismai - PBP CT Layout by Glori2 - PBP CT Layout by Julie Layout by Fayette

I love the changing seasons, especially when the heat of summer drifts into the loveliness of autumn. I love the glorious colors of fall, the cooler weather, sweaters and even pumpkin spice everything. I'll admit that It's Always Autumn....in my heart. This collection is perfect for scrapping everything you love about autumn and more!

Download includes nine journaling cards, three wordframes and three separate wordart designs.

All designs were created at 300 ppi for excellent print quality.

Note - it is possible that sample layouts may include papers/elements/wordart and/or use templates that are not included with this product.


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Add date: 01 Oct 2018

This product is downloadable.

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