Home :: Commercial Use (CU) :: *Element Templates :: Beach Days Layered Templates (CU)

Beach Days Layered Templates (CU)

Beach Days Layered Templates (CU)
Easy to use CU Layered Templates.
All at 300ppi, supplied in layered PSD, TIFF and .AI files for ease of use in any program.
(PNG's as composites only - if you would like the separated PNG's please contact me)

This set contains:
x1 anchor,
x1 beachbag
x3 beach cubicles
x1 costume
x2 fish
x1 fish & chips with wrap option
x1 flipflop
x1 girl dressed for beach
x1 seagull
x1 harbor post
x1 hat
x1 life buoy
x1 lifeguard station
x1 pelican
x3 shells
x1 soda
x1 sun & cloud
x1 girl suntanning back
x1 girl suntanning front
x1 sunglasses
x1 sunscreen
x1 swimming flag
x1 wave with a wave and sand option
x1 wrap (can be used on girls)
Add date: 23 Jul 2023

This product is downloadable.

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